The new year always brings the joy of new things and difficulty of knowing what to get rid of in order to make space. Some things are easy to part with and others are harder. This was my thinking this New Years morning when I put up our new Leslie Abram Ontario Wildlife 2020 calendar and took down our Leslie Abram Ontario Wildlife 2019 calendar.
I had the same difficulty last year and the year before. If you look at the images below, you can see why! Her photography is art. It captures nature. It captures life. It inspires curiosity.

Each year, she puts out a new calendar of her fantastic photography and when I take the old one down, the last thing I feel like doing is recycling it. When I look at each photo, I can imagine the waiting, the strategizing, the effort, the skill … and these incredible plants and creatures. Surely I can find some additional uses for the photos other than the calendar.
I help coordinate an all ages event and celebration within our church and we always try to vibrantly decorate the walls. We’ve been able to decorate the walls with the photos from the calendar for our Give Thanks and Creation themes and others have been able to enjoy the images. I’ve also kept them for us to just look at from time to time.
Below are calendar pages torn out from the 2019 calendar while I think of another way to use them…

Leslie lives within a couple of kilometres from where I grew up and from where my childhood family still lives. I believe that many of her photos are taken at or near places such at Goodrich Loomis Conversation Area where cross country skied as a child a child and still hike now, as well as Presquile Provincial Park where we camp frequently. I’m hopeful each Christmas that I’ll receive one of Leslie’s calendars from my family for the year ahead and have been pleased that I have for the past few years!

I am not affiliated with Leslie. I just enjoy sharing interesting things as we come across them:).
Maybe you’d like to see more of her nature exploration? Or more of these adorable fox kits? Have a closer look at
Oh, and to see some up close antics of mother and baby loons (!), have a look specifically.
Finally, if you can think if some creative way I can use these photos (and the many others in the various calendars), let me know!
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Absolutely beautiful. Do you scrapbook at all? You could do some neat things with them that way.
Hi Mara. I don’t actually scrapbook but thanks for the thought! I more just “put away somewhere” so I think I’ll just hold onto them for now. It was nice to have them handy for the events last year.
This is great! The loon shots are incredible and the fox shots on her website are as well. It’s hard to imagine having them that close. Off to show the kids!
Thanks Lori! You may have already noticed it but there is a section called “Ice” that has “ice volcanoes” on it and those might be interesting for the kids to see as well. I happened to see them at the same spot she’s photographing from and they were quite beautiful. They look like the perfect playground or area for exploring but they are very dangerous to climb on as is shown in the diagram.