A few quick and easy apps we are enjoying …
Like with everything technological, I was slow out of the gate with online games. I have to say, though, that when my husband introduced these online word games to the kids, life took on a whole new level of fun. We play each other on Word Chums from different rooms and sometimes different houses. We can invite our oldest son, living two hours away, to play or we can invite my husband to play from home if the kids and I are away visiting grandparents. We can play alone, against each other or as a team. I rarely win, as witnessed on the sad face of my green owl character, but I have had a lot of fun nonetheless.
Sometimes we have to come up with some strange new words. Words that you would think would be accepted aren’t and letter combinations that you can’t believe are words are accepted. You can click on the new word for the definition.

Wordscapes is an individual game in which you keep your finger on the screen to fit the words into a sort of crossword puzzle where the hints are just the letters rather than word clues. Although it’s set up to play on your own, we’ve had fun helping each other troubleshoot to make it through the levels.

In Wordstacks, you keep moving letters out of the way in order to create words of a related theme.
These games are challenging after a period of time as well as strangely relaxing!
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