You have to give them lots of water, lots of sun, and lots of love – Caileigh
I like creating my own recipes. – Clare
This is our third interview/story in the Summer of Stories. You can read the first one here and the second one here. Now, on with the third:).
Clare and Caileigh are two sisters I met a few years ago when I was volunteering in the church nursery. They were just two. They recently had their birthdays and are seven! Like many children all over the world, their lives had an abrupt change the second week of March and everything from school and church to lessons and most outings came to a halt. There was suddenly much more open time and it’s been an interesting time for all.
Their mum, Courtney, relayed some thoughts to me about how this time has taken shape for the girls and the sorts of ways they’ve been directing their own play as well as some fun, collaborative pieces.
The three of them kindly agreed to describe in a written interview a bit about what this time has been like. The first questions are with Courtney, followed by the girls.
Courtney, obviously life has taken a pretty sharp turn these last few months. With almost no notice, schools were closed, church was closed, libraries were closed, any lessons or groups your girls were involved in stopped. I think the other thing that seemed so crazy was that it was just a couple of days prior to March Break here and all the museums and pools and those kinds of things were unavailable, as well as the ability to visit friends and relatives.
I’m trying to imagine what that level of change would seem like in the mind of a six year old. Do you remember how you transitioned into that those first couple of weeks? Or what they even understood it to mean?
Yes, the speed at which everything was changing was pretty unfamiliar! A few days after the schools announced their closures, we decided to actively reframe things – to think about this time as time gained together. We listened to the kids express their disappointments – for example, the ROM closure forced the girls to miss the Winnie the Pooh exhibit that they were really looking forward to. We also listened to all the things they were excited about – for example, a long break from school. We talked about all that we have to be grateful for during this time, and how we could help those who were less fortunate. Now, to be VERY honest, it would be ENTIRELY untrue to claim that ANY of this came naturally and easily in the middle of a pandemic (!!), it took a bunch of active, conscious thought and effort. It helped everyone by diving into fun activities at home that we hadn’t prioritized and got really excited about them, as a great distraction for ALL of us.
I remember that after those first couple of weeks, when we could see the virus numbers rising and it became clearer that it was going to be going on for some time, my family began to plan a bit more, just a bit around how things might work. Like, if I was working from home, how to think about the time and space of that. And even just, what did we want to do? Did we want to plan to watch a Netflix series or were their board games we wanted to play? Were their cleaning or organizing projects to do? How were we managing grocery shopping? Did we have relatives and neighbours we needed to help? Just all those kinds of things. It was a brand new situation, so we were thinking through what our time and physical space would look like essentially. My kids are a lot older though. I’m trying to imagine what that would be like with younger kids.
Do you remember how you all went about organizing your time at that point and how that played out?
I’d love to say it was as intentional as that, but I don’t think it was. We evaluated day by day, and built a plan at breakfast around executing it. When would I take client calls? When would my husband be home so I could get to the grocery store for us and family? Now, we had some goals, but none with real deadlines – for example, reading the first Harry Potter book so we could watch the movie together, or starting to explore using search engines on the internet.
We had a conversation not too long ago that the pandemic has led to some interesting things. You mentioned that you had always felt your girls were quite good with unstructured time, but that you noticed they had gotten even better. It sounded sort of like they’d “levelled up” in their ability to play and create, or I guess deepened, to look at it another way. That is all in my words, of course.
Would you mind describing that a little bit?
This one was particularly neat for me to see. I don’t know if it’s age, or long periods of uninterrupted time, or a combination of the two, but they really did ‘level up’, I love that language. They went deeper in their play – for example they would start off by goofing around and singing a song, which led to costumes, and doing each others hair, then choreographing a dance, making programs, ending in a performance. I don’t think they started with intent to perform a show, but I think the uninterrupted time to play allowed them to get more creative.
There must be some things that are quite fun for the two of them to do together. Imaginative play or projects that they can both get into and plan together?
There were a few days where I was treated to a ‘spa’, where they had designed the space, collected the things from around the house that they needed to provide spa services, got drinks and snacks together, and selected relaxing music. That one was really fun, and I don’t know where it came from!
Finally, Courtney, I think you’ve had some collective things that you’ve all been doing together that have been fun and initiated or reinforced some interests?
We’ve been doing a LOT of sewing – together, and independently. That’s been a lot of fun. The girls are both avid readers, but more and more the three of us have been sitting in the same room each reading independently.

And onto Clare …
Hi Clare! I haven’t seen you for quite a while now. I guess we’ve all been needing to do our own thing for the past few months.
What kinds of things have you been doing at your house?
I’m making a fishing pole to catch seaweed and a kite for camping, reading Harry Potter together with my Mum, Dad, and sister, shovelling earth and limestone to help Mum and Dad in the backyard, giving Blaze a bath, BBQs
I was really interested to hear that you have all been doing quite a lot of baking and cooking, and that you’re becoming quite comfortable in the kitchen. Are there some recipes you’ve made that you would recommend?
I like creating my own recipes. I also like making birthday cupcakes, and helping with burgers for dinner.
Have you found that some of the recipes are pretty messy?
Yes, when we have to mix with our hands!
What are some of the things you like to do most if you’re outside? What is it that you like about those things?
Jumping and doing tricks in the trampoline, picking fruit and vegetables from the garden, roller skating and biking, golfing. I like that they’re fun!
What are some of the things you like to do inside? And what is it that you like about those things?
Helping Daddy in the basement, eating goldfish crackers while watching TV, spending time by myself, playing daycare with my sister
I remember that you enjoy stories. Is there a book or two in particular that you enjoy?
Harry Potter, The Book with No Pictures, reading books that I’ve written
I’ve also heard that you enjoy games. Are there particular games that you would recommend to other kids?
Clue, hide and go seek, pretending to be tigers in a zoo with my cousin
Our family has enjoyed watching some TV shows and movies since we’ve had more time at home. Do you have any favourite shows? How about movies?
Tangled series, Inspector Gadget, Rescuers and Rescuers Down Under, Frozen 2, The Great Mouse Detective
We also enjoy computer games. games. Do you?
Yes, sometimes Prodigy
I remember that you and your sister like to create things – maybe some crafty things or maybe other ideas you can draw or build. Have you been making anything recently?
I’ve been making a fishing pole to catch seaweed and a kite.
Is there anything that you’ve decided to make together?
My sister and I have been sewing, I sewed a stuffie, a blanket, and a purse.
What about imaginary things? Have you girls made up any fun stories or characters or plays?
I wrote a book, it’s called ‘A Book that Sounds Serious and No Fun’
Oh, wow! I also understand that you have all been working in the garden. What kinds of things are you growing?
Strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, mint, basil, chives, lavender, beans
I find that sometimes things grow really well in the garden and other times, things don’t grow quite the way I expect. Actually, sometimes vegetables grow even more than I expect and I end up with a lot! There are some things to think about with gardening aren’t there?
What are some of the things you’ve learned while growing your garden this season?
Our strawberries didn’t do very well, but I did get to eat one! Gardening takes time.
Yes, it does! Is there anything else that you’ve been enjoying or finding interesting that you’d like to mention?
I’ve been having sleepovers with my sister, where we sleep together in the same room. We don’t normally share a room, so this summer we decided to.
Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun. Thank you so much, Clare for sharing some of the things you’ve been busy doing. I appreciate it!

Now, Caileigh …
Hi Caileigh! I haven’t seen you for quite a while now. I guess we’ve all been needing to do our own thing for the past few months.
What kinds of things have you been doing at your house?
Hmmm, eating freezies, reading, giving Blaze (our dog) a bath, going for walks, BBQing, sorting through hand me down clothes, started 2nd Harry Potter, visits with our cousin, sidewalk chalk
I was really interested to hear that you have all been doing quite a lot of baking and cooking, and that you’re becoming quite comfortable in the kitchen. Are there some recipes you’ve made that you would recommend?
Cookies! Cupcakes, perogies, pancakes, Greek salad, rhubarb crisp
Have you found that some of the recipes are pretty messy?
Yes, cupcakes. You get the batter all over your hands
What are some of the things you like to do most if you’re outside? What is it that you like about those things?
Hula hoop, blowing bubbles, swinging on the swing set, playing with balls, playing in the sandbox, playing in the water bin, picking vegetables from the vegetable garden. I like that they’re outside and you can do them in the rain or sun
What are some of the things you like to do inside? What is it that you like about those things?
I like to watch tv, play board games, play cards, have baths (the water is so warm!). I like that I get to pick any show, as long as Mum says it’s ok. And I get to pick any board game, and any card game.
Those all sound fun to me too. I remember that you enjoy stories. Is there a book or two in particular that you enjoy?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dragon Masters, Hilde Cracks the Case
I’ve also heard that you enjoy games. Are there particular games that you would recommend to other kids?
Clue, The Game of Life, UNO, hide and seek, hopscotch, Trivial Pursuit
Our family has enjoyed watching some TV shows and movies since we’ve had more time at home. Do you have any favourite shows? How about movies?
Olaf’s Frozen Adventure, Bo on the Go, Frozen 2, Peter Pan, The Rescuers, The Rescuers Down Under
We also enjoy computer games. games. Do you?
We don’t usually play computer games
I remember that you and your sister like to create things – maybe some crafty things or maybe other ideas you can draw or build. Have you been making anything recently?
I’ve been sewing by hand and with a sewing machine. I’ve sewn pillows and little mouse stuffies
What about imaginary things? Have you girls made up any fun stories or characters or plays?
Yes, performances on the trampoline!
Oh, fun! I also understand that you have all been working in the garden. What kinds of things are you growing?
Tomatoes, zucchini, squash, basil, oregano, mint, raspberries, rhubarb, beans, watermelon
I find that sometimes things grow really well in the garden and other times, things don’t grow quite the way I expect. Actually, sometimes vegetables grow even more than I expect and I end up with a lot! There are some things to think about with gardening, aren’t there?
What are some of the things you’ve learned while growing your garden this season?
You have to give them lots of water, lots of sun, and lots of love
You definitely do:). Is there anything else that you’ve been enjoying or finding interesting that you’d like to mention?
We’re going camping next week!
Thank you so much, Caileigh, for sharing some of the things you’ve been busy doing. I really appreciate it:).

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Such a lovely interview Erin and thanks to Courtney, Clare and Caileigh for sharing their stories. Love the sound of the spa and the shows, they sound delightful. And all that cooking and baking, yummy! We too are enjoying lots of Harry Potter here, and always keen to here what others are reading, shall have a look at the other books that were mentioned, thanks everyone 🙂
Thank you Hayley! I’ll be sure to pass your thoughts along:).
What a great interview with Courtney, Clare and Caileigh! They sound like delightful, creative young girls. Those recipes sound delicious! I wish them and their family a happy time for the remainder of the summer!
Yes, I can say from experience that they are delightful and creative! Thanks for your comment:).
This is wonderful😌. I enjoyed hearing about the various things the girls are up to. It sure sounds as if they are making the most of their time! Framing the time as time gained together is really nice to hear. Thanks to all of you for a great smile.
Thank you, Allie. I will pass your thoughts on to them. I also liked the part of framing the time as time gained together. I thought it was such a great way to put it:).