Ah September … the month that’s been.
Sweet, still September
Summer draws to a slow close
Autumn lies in wait

Sedum, muted rose
Awaiting its visitor’s
Sweet September fill

A girl and her friend
A summer without seeing
In fall, reunite

Unexpected hike
Path of snaking twists and turns
Climbing through beauty

Discov’ring pumpkins
Autumn’s same delights await
Yet somehow seem new

Strewn in a small space
Random pieces of nature
Found all together

Do you see the spider in the photo above? We didn’t notice it at first.
Tiny pumpkin gems
Unexpected leafy greens
Last year’s waste bears fruit

Old growth forest homes
Reimagining themselves
Die, change, yet renew

Late summer harvest
Reflection of recent times’
Daily discoveries

Sumac’s lounging leaves
Waiting for mid-fall crimson
Crown jewel of the field

Month of two seasons
The waning of late summer
Autumn waxes in

Ha, I thought I’d try some haikus (with a tiny bit of poetic license with one of the syllables)😊. I’ve long been fascinated by months of the year that straddle two seasons. September is likely my favourite of those. Noticing the waning of late summer and arrival of fall, sometimes slow, sometimes sudden. This year it’s been slow and the hot, humid weather of summer gave way to warm, lightly breezy days. We’ve been able to enjoy the temperature while slowly watching the changes … some difficult things in everyday life made better by daily outdoor walks, hikes and adventures.
I’ve been thankful for patient friends who don’t mind when the relaxing trail I suggest turns out to be, well, not so relaxing, but full of mud, tree roots to snake around and steep forest stairs … friends who see that the view after the challenge and the time spent together as families is worth it.

A friend who will come out to have hiking adventures together the morning after a knee treatment so that our girls can spend time together. This friend who will gently and diplomatically state from the onset that it “needs to be a low-key pace” because she knows me well😉.

Finally, I’m thankful for family time this month. For big brothers who initiate bike rides with younger sisters. For grandparents willing to meet in new places to be of such help. For kids interested in discovering new places right under our noses in our own neighbourhood. For teens still open to and fascinated by the natural world and eager to point out happenings in creation that they know are my favourite. For the absolute genius details and intricacy of creation.

Grateful for September!
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This is cute, Erin. Love the ‘tiny pumpkin gems’. And some amazing photos. But I can’t see the spider 🙂
Hi Hayley. It’s really hard to see. My daughter was the one who first noticed it. It’s between the full acorn and the white feather.
I see it, yay. Thanks for that 🙂