Virtual Kitchen Table
Virtual Kitchen Table
Being Intentional about the Holidays - Ideas for Thoughtful Families

Episode 17: Being Intentional about the Holidays – Ideas for Thoughtful Families


We’re talking about holidays and gatherings in this episode, digging into what helps families make the most of their time together! As we head into a season that can be quite full for many, we share ideas about intention, choice, communication and building in rest and open time. 

We were so happy to have Pam Laricchia and Anna Brown from Living Joyfully join us to share their insight and experience. Pam and Anna have a course, Navigating Family Gatherings that, while relevant to gatherings at any time of year, might be particularly timely to many right now. You can also hear more from Pam and Anna on the Exploring Unschooling podcast, the Living Joyfully podcast, and in the Living Joyfully Network. 

We Discuss:


The power of being intentional 

Understanding that we have a choice, even if something feels really obligatory. We can make decisions that feel more comfortable to us … “choices within choices”

Being a host who helps people feel comfortable, welcomed and accommodated 

Food! Most get-togethers and parties involve food so thinking through how our kids respond to different types of food, intervals between food, blood sugars, energy levels, etc

Including our kids in planning conversations in whichever ways feel like a fit

Absorbing any comments or difficult moments that might be directed toward our children as we’ve done some preparatory work to be well-resourced

The many possibilities of what we can bring with us (books, games, toys) as options for our families and others

Remembering that people want things to go well and want people to enjoy themselves – coming in with positive energy

Navigating the common “homeschooling question” and ideas for doing that taking context into consideration. 

How to help facilitate conversations about our kids’ interests and what they’re up to if they want to share with people 

Practical ways of sharing what our homeschooling kids are up to 

Possibilities for helping engage other people – kids and adults – showing interest in them and finding out more about them as well! 

Building in open time and rest before, during and after the holidays and how beautiful that downtime can be … weaving the decompression throughout 

Communicating with our kids about how they are feeling, what they’re anticipating, how they might feel after a holiday or event 

Choice again! Playing with ideas around options when the choice isn’t feeling clear. Sometimes it might be helpful to imagine what we’d do “if” we have a choice and we may be surprised what comes up