Ever Learning because we are all always learning. Whether it’s a funny comic strip, an academic article or a practical tip, there’s lots to pass around. Learning is fascinating, useful and fun:).
Eclectic Homeschooling because opportunities are everywhere …
We have an eclectic, whole life-learning approach here; collaborative and self-directed (yes, the two can go together!) and pulling from lots of different resources and ideas, depending on where everyone is at and what they are interested in pursuing.
And Beyond because exploring ideas is interesting no matter our age or stage or how we are educated …
This website because in learning alongside 4 wonderful kids and their friends for many years, the unique process and capacity that each person has in their own learning has shown itself to be amazing and worth sharing🙂.
Please feel free to join us here and have the Ever Learning posts and ideas/discoveries arrive the beginning of each month!
If you’d like to support our work, our donate button is directly below.
We appreciate you appreciating us!
The World Outside: The 'RS' Series
Join us on our adventures into nature and together discover the secrets of the world outside!

Putting the Home in Homeschooling: Finding Home from Within and Making the World our Home
We are pleased to have our first ever guest blog post! Bex Tobin Fine is a home educating parent and also a Canadian children’s author.

Project-based Learning from a Purely Self-Directed Perspective
Our lovely Sugar who passed away in January is pictured here enjoying a mid-fall day. This harness and leash and outdoor time from a few

Homeschooling High School and Socialization: Not all Teen Community has to be Homeschool Community
Homeschooling High School and Socialization: Not all Teen Community has to be Homeschool Community By Erin Teens, friends and leaning into service … This might

The Importance of Patience as a Parent in the Teen Years
Her: I’ll be getting up earlier tomorrow so don’t worry if you’re hearing a bit of noise. I’ll try to be as quiet as possible.

Christmas Customs: Weaving Together Faith and Festivity and Whether to “Do Santa”
I was in Grade Two, just nicely seven that fall, when I heard the news that Santa wasn’t real. A boy in my class, L,

A Lifetime for Learning – Parents Don’t Need to Offer Everything
We have our whole lives to learn and pursue our interests and so do our children. I’ve been mentoring some new local homeschool families, particularly

Unschooling – What’s in a Name?
Unschooling, self-directed learning, self-directed education, natural learning, consent-based education, whole life learning, child-led learning, worldschooling, delight-directed education – these are all terms that are sometimes

Self-Directed Teens: The Distinction Between Supporting Interests and Entering into Shared Experiences
I’ve been thinking about the distinction between supporting our teens’ interests (and children’s too, but this is more about teens) and entering into shared experiences

Homeschooling Philosophies and Supporting Interests – Nature Journaling the Unschooling Way
“Mum, I actually found quite a bit more information about nature journaling.” “Oh great. “ “I can send you the links if you want. There’s

Socialisation – A Nuanced Topic
Socialisation might be one of the most nuanced and complex “topics” in home education. Sometimes we treat the “S word” as though it’s a yes

Building Resilience Without School
I sat across from my kids at my in-laws’ house, listening to my oldest son (23) fill us in on his last few days of

Connected Parenting: What is our “Why?”
This post is based on a weekly piece of writing I do in the Stories of Unschooling Families Community. Here is last week’s post. Something

Letting Experiences and Feelings be what they are …
Letting experiences and feelings be what they are … Two small lessons came to me within an hour. If you’re a parent, you’ve likely had

My Very Last First Day of “Not Back to School”
Today is the 20th time that I’ve experienced the first official day of school in our province as a home-educating mum. It’s also the last!

The End of an Era – Tales and Lessons from the Paper Routes
Well, it’s the end of an era for our family. S delivered his last newspaper last week. It’s hard to believe how many years he’s

Rounding the Bend
This post was written as part of the annual opportunity that families have to share A Day in the Life at Simple Homeschool. Sometimes I

Katy and the Big Snow – A Fond Childhood Memory
D retold us a story from his childhood. He’s been clearing a fair bit of snow the last while and I think it triggered a

Homeschooling Terms that Crept Up on Me … Confessions of an Early 2000s Homeschooling Mum
When I first dipped into the homeschooling world, it didn’t occur to me that there would be homeschooling trends to keep up with. The word

Being Conscious of the External Processor: How Being Aware of the Way our Child Makes Decisions Can Help us Avoid Getting Tangled Up
Buying a camper, sharing a purchase of a camper with my son, getting a new tent instead, opening a resource centre, visiting a different provincial

Instead of a Curriculum, You Might Try …
A Course of Interest, Workshop, Webinar and More Curricula can be notoriously hard to stick to. It isn’t always, but it can be! Take a

Life is Already Full: Moving Away from the Fear of Missing Out
I sat, two competing membership brochures staring up at me from the kitchen table, and tried to make a decision. Zoo or Science Centre. Science

Canadian Fiction for Children – Beyond Anne of Green Gables
Looking for Canadian fiction ideas? Many recommendations for children’s fiction are American or classic British literature which are both wonderful, but leave a gap for

A Day in the Life with Teens, Young Adults and New Stages
I decided to write this “spur of the moment” after reading posts a few others had written about their days with teens. I had taken

Calling it a Day: One Possibility for a Homeschool Day (or any other kind) Turned Bleak
Perhaps you recognize what I’m talking about when I mention trying to navigate a day that’s gone south. You might be a home educating parent

A New Year is Like Freshly Fallen Snow
A new year is like freshly fallen snow and we’re just a few steps in. Happy 2021:). I’ve heard those words said both emphatically and

Shining our Light: Kindness as Mindset
Eyes brightened, a smile of appreciation grew and a spring in his step returned. It was payment collection time for my son’s newspaper route. This

Typewriters and Other Old Things that Make my Children Laugh
The topic of typewriters came up in family conversation the other day. I described the clickety-clack of our old family typewriter and how excited I

On Chores, Learning Respect and Such … Is There a Gentler Way?
My two younger kids were up early this morning cleaning up cat vomit. It’s a lovely way to start a story, I know😉. It’s relative

Ah, September … the Month that’s Been in Haiku
Ah September … the month that’s been. Sweet, still SeptemberSummer draws to a slow closeAutumn lies in wait Sedum, muted roseAwaiting its visitor’sSweet September fill

Homeschooling during Covid: Sifting through a few Pros and Cons
These are interesting times. Choices abound, and so do decisions. Usually it’s easier to just follow the path and yet, suddenly it’s clearer that there

Abundant Homeschooling Doesn’t Need to Cost a Lot of Money:)
There are some phrases that don’t evoke images of abundance… Home educating on a shoestring budget … Home educating for less … Home educating on the cheap … These

A Summer of Stories – A Lifelong Passion for Animals at 13 Years Old
It’s so different to have a fox right near you instead of on video. You can see their intelligence. – Shay In the eighth post

A Summer of Stories – The Things Kids Play and Learn
I feel like I’ve gotten sharper. You need quick hand/finger reflexes to react and build quickly. – Angus So far, since July, I have read

A Summer of Stories – Just Everyday, Ordinary Learning
In the sixth post from A Summer of Stories, which has been focusing on different examples of self- directed learning, I’m sharing snippets and snapshots

A Summer of Stories – Making the Most of Open Time
I would also say you are never too old to learn. – Cameron This is our fifth story/interview from A Summer of Stories. You can

A Summer of Stories – A Musical Tale
I bought a little book, learned a few tunes and then started playing by ear. – Ian My first “music memory” is of me, as a

A Summer of Stories – Everyday Learning, Creating and Exploring …
You have to give them lots of water, lots of sun, and lots of love – Caileigh I like creating my own recipes. – Clare

A Summer of Stories – Lifelong Learning from Trinidad to Canada
Yes, I am an active and lifelong learner. – Eileen This is our second story for our Summer of Stories which takes a close and

A Summer of Stories – A Life of Learning, Growing and Sharing
It’s whatever people have in their heads and hearts that directs them to where they go. – Linda Dawe Linda is someone I have had

A Summer of Stories … Self-Directed Learning All Around
A Summer of Stories – Self-directed Learning All Around Sometimes it seems as if stories just need to be told. For me, I often notice

Five Ways That Home Education Can Be Healthy For Communities
One of the pieces that comes to mind when I think of home education is the benefit to communities. I’m not referring to homeschool communities

O Canada – Glimpses of Canada For Kids, Adults and Families
* I wrote this post in the middle of May, in what now seems like a different time as far as world consciousness around racial

The Personality of Play – Part Three
As Kids Get Older … Is learning that is expressed through play still relevant as kids become older? Do we see differences in the way that

The Personality of Play – Part Two
The Different Ways Children Express Themselves – Real Learning? (photo above by Joan Gilmore) And back to talking about play:). In The Personality of Play,

The Personality of Play – Part One
The Different Ways Children Explore Play is a very individual thing. I love watching it happen. Sometimes I even like being part of it:). Children can

Great Movies for Families and Anyone Really!
This might be an ideal time to cozy up with some movie watching. I thought I’d put a few titles out that we’ve enjoyed and

They May Not Be Learning That, But They Are Learning This …
“If she’s not here, she’s somewhere else.” The simplest statements are often the wisest. More than two decades ago, in the middle of a sunny morning,

Just Noticing Light:)
Sometime in January, L and I started noticing light. Yes, light. Just light! Nothing fancy, just the everyday patterns. Mostly natural light in regular moments.

Finding the Bright Pockets in Life
Does it seem disrespectful to talk about the brighter moments of life during this pandemic? Part of me feels strange about it. Strange that while

A Deep Dive into Mythology with Usborne Books and More
When my kids were younger, I delved into what was, for me, unknown territory – the world of mythology. My husband has a clear memory

Things for Families to Do During this Time Together in Close Quarters
People the world over are finding themselves either together a whole lot more right now OR apart and not able to see each other in

Finding Yourself Suddenly Expected to Homeschool During a Pandemic? It’s OK if You Haven’t “Got This” – I Haven’t Either:)
One week ago today, I was sitting in the study room of a library, with two text messages coming in simultaneously. One was from my

Are we Looking from the Perspective of a Child?
There was a spot on the highway where, if we were heading east at just the right time, we might be able to see three

Maple Syrup – The Great Treat of Late Winter
Mmm … maple syrup. It’s a wonderful topping or ingredient and can make its way into almost any meal or snack. Pancakes, sausage, ham, ice

Who are the People in your Neigbourhood?
Imagine my surprise as I was wheeling my cart along in the grocery store one evening and ran into Ernie hanging out near the chicken

In Appreciation of Film School 4 Teens
A few months ago, the teenagers in our house, plus a friend, began the Film School 4 Teens course. We were all quite impressed. My

A Day in the Life with Teens, Young Adults, Pets and Whole Life Learning
Mid February is likely a good time to do something interesting and a bit different. Looking back on the day that was and making note

A View from the Other End of the Homeschooling Trail – Enjoying our Teens and Young Adults
The first home education get together that I experienced was in the Spring 2003. Spring Of 2003. 17 years ago. Wow! While it initially doesn’t

Some of our Best Life Learning/Unschooling Resources of All
Things that are simply parts of our lives sometimes – often- have been the things we’ve learned the most deeply from. Over the years, we have

Usborne Jigsaw Puzzles and More …
Usborne Books at Home has more than books😊. Hundreds of products are available, including cards, trivia games and even sewing and knitting kits. And, they

Retro and Traditional Games Your Family Might Enjoy
Over the past few years, some games from my childhood have resurfaced and my kids have enjoyed them. There are a lot of new games

A Piece of Ordinary
My hope was for an ordinary week. Last week was, well, a lot …. and just as I thought I’d made it through, it ended

New Photography for the New Year
The new year always brings the joy of new things and difficulty of knowing what to get rid of in order to make space. Some

Winter Reading – Lesser Known Picture Books that are Worth the Find
I’ve highlighted some frequently recommended winter picture books, several of them considered classics now. Here are some others you might want to snuggle up with

Wonderful Winter Picture Books and a Fun Story Behind a Favourite
No big surprises here if you have been seeking out winter picture books for any length of time as these are popular recommendations. Just in

An Atmosphere of Christmas
Merry Christmas! I’m kind of nostalgic for the younger years with my kids and all the anticipation, both faith-based and festive. The reading of nativity

Respecting Teens
I finished my last bite of lunch and put the container in my bag, preparing to head out to drop my daughter and her friend

Exploring Great Literature with Teens in an Unschooling Way
I’ve been wanting to put these experiences to words for a long time because they have been such a rich and interesting part of the

Who Was That? – Christmas
Who Was That? is back with a new Christmas Trivia edition. That’s right! Christmas songs, movies, traditions, facts about both the religious and festive side

Abundant Family Living on a Budget
Life can be expensive. Being a parent can be very expensive! There are some aspects we can’t control but we may have more choice around

Stories That Give Perspective About Time and Space
There are stories here and there that I remember had an impact on the way my kids began to see time and space. Some were

Family Pastimes Co-operative Games: Playing Together … Not Against Each Other:)
To me, Family Pastimes Co-operative Games are the Great Canadian Board Games! That isn’t the company slogan but they are such creatively, thoughtfully developed games

Being a Parent Between Seasons
I heard the librarian announce over the speaker that the library was closing for the evening in fifteen minutes. Perfect. I needed to pick my

Canadian Picture Books for Remembrance Day
Tomorrow is Remembrance Day. As we seem to do every year, we will be going together with friends to an outdoor Remembrance Day Ceremony and

Laughter Truly IS the Best Medicine – Enjoying the Unique Humour of your Family
I carried two heavy bags of food toward the upstairs church kitchen with L close behind me, carrying three. We were setting up in a

Living Grace And Kindness With Our Kids – More Important Than Character Building Curriculum Can Ever Be
I suddenly realized I was shifting my weight impatiently from foot to foot. Although my face was smiling, my body language was probably showing that

Beautiful Picture Books for Fall
“Fall in Canada brings us many colours. Some plants keep the green of summer a little longer and others begin to remind us of winter

Classic 20th Century Books From Before the 1970s
Oh, there were some beautiful books written in the early and mid 20th Century. You may remember them from your own childhood … for many

Reflecting on the Process of Self-directed Learning
The young girl from next door suddenly went soaring by on her bicycle the other evening as I watered plants on my porch. I had

Word Games, Anyone?
A few quick and easy apps we are enjoying … Like with everything technological, I was slow out of the gate with online games. I

Camping – All Kinds of Wonderful!
We have just gotten back from a fantastic camping trip at Bon Echo Provincial Park, spending a fun-filled three days with cousins. Although it’s less

Usborne Books – Broad and Deep Learning
I think I first was really drawn to Usborne Books about 15 years ago when M was 3. He and I were perusing the children’s

Building A Great Home Reference Library With Usborne Books: Supporting a Lifestyle of Learning
From the early years through the teens and into the adult years, Usborne offers top-notch reference books that support and deepen learning. For almost fifteen

The Joy of Children’s TV Shows – It’s A Good Thing
I know. There is a lot of conversation about screen time. From warnings about too much television and screens for young children to video game,

A Home Where Everyone Belongs
When I was maybe about six or seven years old, I drew and cut out a Santa Claus for the Christmas tree from construction paper.

Homeschool High School Ideas – The Beauty of Mentorships For Teens
Mentorships can be seriously rich for life- learning or homeschooling teens. They provide an opportunity for developing a skill or knowledge base from someone else

Helping Kids Feel Stable In a World of 24 Hours News … And It’s Often Not Good News
“I hope we don’t get shot tonight while we’re at the movies.” As I navigated a left-hand turn onto a busy street in early evening

Thankful That Kids Have Summer Holidays
As I drove home early late one afternoon a few weeks ago, I heard a curious comment on the radio. The DJ was chatting between

Photography and Teens – Using Photos as a Way to Express and Explore
When kids are young, everything is fresh and exciting for them! Going to the grocery store is an event, watching the clouds and imagining what

Parenting with Visually Creative Kids, Homeschooling with Visually Creative Kids
When my daughter was an infant, she would sit in her bright yellow Bumbo seat in the middle of the table while I made dinner

Family Strewing – When Your Kids Strew Things for You
Strew. It’s kind of an interesting word. When I google it, the dictionary tells me that it means, “scatter or spread untidily over an area”

Introducing Twin Things!
Introducing David’s new game, Twin Things … a new and wonderfully straightforward app for Apple devices! It’s an electronic, timed, single- player matching card game (think

Understanding Homeschooling
“Homeschooling” is a word most people are now familiar with. It’s not actually a word that I like all that much. We’re not really home

Understanding Unschooling
As mentioned in “Understanding Homeschooling,” many people are now at least familiar with the homeschooling term but still don’t have a full understanding of it.

Canadian Picture Books
I love picture books. I love the covers, the art, the words, the ideas, the characters and I always check out where the author and